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Exterior Updates & Drywall

This week we finally got to see what the house will look like sandblasted! They are starting on Tuesday, so came by this past week to do their test patches. Imagine this tiny square instead of the bunker beige you see in the pic on the left.

We're also going to keep the one wall in the master bedroom exposed. It will be lightly sandblasted to clean it up and smooth it out.

As you may remember, the house has some funny additions. During patch testing for the sandblasting, we confirmed that the original block used for the house was not carried through on the additions (not a big surprise). We've decided to keep the stucco but smooth it out. Here's the start of that work (another big job for a professional). We will paint it a darker grey to compliment the brick.

The teeny tiny weird window and extra front door are now both gone.

The window that had the botch patch job is now fixed. I'm hopeful that once sandblasted, the new and old brick will blend together. If not, we DO have a Plan B.

Since the house is older, the walls aren't smooth. All the reconfiguration of walls and changing of electrical meant there was quite a bit of mudding, taping, and texturizing needed. We decided to have professionals complete the job vs. Gary dealing with it. #savedus2weekswork

We finished draining our gigantic pool! This thing is massive and DEEP! We are still working out how we are going to get it retro-fitted, but wanted it drained before the sandblasting starts.

This coming week Gary will start painting the interior walls and finish tiling the master bathroom. We can then start installing vanities and light fixtures!

The countertops, trim, doors and windows have all been ordered and should be installed shortly. Flooring is starting April 13th. #wearegettingclose



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